Financial Plan, SaltEdge, and Portfolios
This release introduces the new Financial Plan section, with the possibility to add investment objectives and link them to accounts, portfolios, and investments, as well as monitor their progress over time.
In addition, we have added a new provider for connecting to current accounts, SaltEdge. This has increased the coverage and reliability of connections, and now new banking institutions are available for connection, such as CheBanca! and Allianz.
Furthermore, Portfolios and their related operations are now more stable and load faster.
Here is the complete changelog:
Financial Plan
New Financial Plan section: create, edit, and delete investment objectives, link them to resources in Plannix, and track their progress
Currently, it is possible to link a resource to an objective. In the future, there will be the possibility to add multiple resources to the same objective or divide a resource across multiple objectives (coming soon).
Integration of a new provider for PSD2 account data connection (SaltEdge)
New supported banks being added, such as CheBanca! and Allianz (if yours was not available, check if it is now available during addition)
Bug fixing and improvements in the Portfolios section: you will notice improvements in performance and related operations
Added the ability to hide the Default PTF
Bug Fix
Fixed a bug that prevented renaming of Portfolios
Fixed a bug that prevented recognition of lowercase ISIN letters
Fixed a bug in adding an Intermediary that could appear as "undefined"